Thursday, March 3, 2011

Squirmie Wormies

Here's the result! Back in April 2010 a friend of mine turned me on to Vermicomposting. You can see the start in my post titled "Vermicomposting" and "Who Says Worms are for Boys?" back in April 2010. This is 11 months into diligent hard work. Ok, not really, all I did was save my vegetable/vegetation and fruit scraps, freeze them, and weekly bury a handful in the bin for the worms to eat.

Maybe you don't know what you're looking at. Every particle in this bin is a substance called 'castings' that's nice for 'worm poop'. But I might would have called it 'garden gold'. I have been in the process of harvesting the worms out of this bin for about 3 weeks now and I'm so close to completion I can taste it. Once the worms have been harvested (that's a post for another day) I will take about 1/3 of the castings and mix it into the soil I use to plant my baby plants into my garden. The second 1/3 will be used to line the hole area of the planting. The final 1/3 will be used periodically as compost tea in the week to week month to month treatment of my spring/summer garden.

Now, don't be sad! I have another bin cooking for next year!

As you can see in this picture, as I harvest my worms from my 2010 bin, I am placing them into my new bin. Now, if you have done your homework - AND I'M SURE YOU HAVE - you'll know these little workers reproduce every 27 days. So I'm thinking I may have to split them into 2 bins this year.

Damon is going to shit.

He LOVES to tell people where I keep my worms - in my bathroom shower stall. Hell, I never use it (I mean, I do shower, just not in THAT stall) may as well use that space productively. But here's the pickle. These worms used to be in the kitchen. Damon, over a lovely dinner one night, told me that even though the definitely DO NOT smell, the thought of those worms slithering around in the kitchen made him not so hungry.

I agreed - cause that's marriage.

So now, with 2 bins and 1 shower stall. I'll be in a pinch...

Unless a friend volunteers....

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